Rasa berbelit lidah nak karang dalam Bahasa Malaysia walaupun aku dibesarkan di Malaysia. Okay kali ni aku akan guna bahasa yang biasa aku guna tiap-tiap hari di rumah ataupun kerja.
Pada tahun 1997, aku balik Malaysia sebab ekonomi merudum seluruh Asia. Duit Thai jatuh, Korea dan Malaysia mengikut. Tapi sebab PSC bayar gaji dan elaun aku dalam Ringgit, terasa senak perut bila convert duit to Australian Dollar. Hantar SOS kat bos, mintak balik Malaysia....dan PSC hantar aku pergi PSC-Naval Dockyard. Even though aku baru 26 tahun, PSC promote aku jadi Senior Technical Executive (Naval Architect). Kira ok le sebab ada senior aku kat Michigan still Technical Executive lagi masa tu.
Kat PSC aku jumpa ramai kawan yang menjadi kawan baik aku sampai sekarang ni. Susah nak cari kawan baik...especialy when you are keep moving around the world. Aku sampai di PSC masa saham PSC tengah hangat. Masa tu PSC nak tender project RMN Patrol Vessel...enam biji kapal with cost around RM750 million each. Tu dah dekat 5.3 billion for the whole duration of the project. When we signed the contract....that is the biggest privatisation contact ever signed by Government of Malaysia. The best thing is we involved with the project since the beginning stage...daripada kertas tender document from Navy and Government, specification negotiation until contract signed by both parties. Lagi best bila team kita orang rata2 below 35 years old. The youngest aku le...Lelain tu soma orang kuat PSC yang berhijrah daripada MSE.
Lepas signed contract, projek disambung kat Hamburg, GERMANY. PSC hantar 54 orang at one
time and the core of the team, the project management team, consists of about 20 staff. Kat situ aku belajar macam2, liased and negotiated with the Spanish, Italian, Germans, Hollanders sebab kerja. At the same time aku dan keluarga ambik kesempatan pi tengok France, Spain, Monaco, Italy, Germany (off course), Czechkoslavakia, Denmark, Sweden,Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland, Switzerland and UK. Ni gambar kapal yang aku dan rakan2 reka dan oversee kat Hamburg dulu. Sekarang ni kapal ni masih kat PSC...ada masalah sikit...Platform systems soma cantik, speed, vibrations etc are within spec requirements. Ni dia gambar Kapal PV tengah trial...speed lebih daripada spec lagi tu...
Kalau tengok kapal tu konar baring....rasanya semua orang terkejut kut. Member aku kata Kapal PV ni patut panggil KD Mat Rempit. Tapi sebabkan Combat System kapal ni canggih sangat, tu yang delay sikit kut. Aku dengar-dengar daripada kawan-kawan aku, rasanya dah nak OK kut.
Sayang sebab plan asal Government memang mulia...nak majukan marine industry kat Malaysia through shipbuilding tapi sebabkan sesetengah orang rancangan tersebut hanyalah tinggal "plan" sahaja. Kita orang dah buat study yang projek ni akan berjaya dengan current industries kat Malaysia dan schedule of construction. Sempat nak develop the industry dan macam2 lagi. Tapi soma tu tak kesampaian.
Aku diarahkan balik sebelum tamat tempoh aku di Hamburg, GERMANY atas alasan tolong set up PV Project in Malaysia. Aku menurut perintah...Tapi alasan tu hanya alasan juga. Aku di"ding-dong"kan antara Project Management dan Design. Soma orang nak pakai aku. Selepas lima bulan aku decided nak tukar haluan pulak. Aku join MISC
Berhad pada March 2003.
Karier aku kat MISC...kira macam all rounder juga lah...Aku masuk mula2 buat drawing approval, lepas tu kapal afloat repair, lepas tu buat docking kat MSE and then kena hantar pi Korea. Aku kena hantar pergi Korea in August 2003 and still in Korea. Changed from Aframax Crude Oil Tanker Project Team to LNG Project Teamin Dec 2003. Ni gambar Aframax yang aku dok supervise masa kat SHI.
The first LNG Carrier, SERI ALAM, already delivered to MISC. Kira canggih jugakle kapal LNG nie tapi bagi aku soma kapal sama aje. Soma terapung dan guna the same principle - Archimedes. The only different is the mission of the ship. Kalau nak bawak
weapon, kena le lain sikit dan kalau nak bawak LNG kena le lain sikit. That is why the designer is very important aspect of the shipbuilding. Kalau kena designer yang tau satu benda aje ...lecehle kapal tu. Cuba bayangkan kalau Kapal PV bawak LNG. Tengok shape dia aje dah pening. So kalau nak jadi Naval Architect... make sure masuk design first 3-5 tahun. Tahu le soma benda...sothat nanti orang tak bole "cong". Explore the ways to design economical and practical linesplan, comply with stability and then design structure that suits construction. Jangan nak berangan soma ikut sedap hati tapi last2 production tak boleh buat. Mimpi le gamaknya. Ni gambar first LNG yang aku involved dengan MISC.
By October 2005, aku dah Full Member with RINA, the Royal Institute of Naval Architects, and Chartered Engineer with UK Engineering Council. Aku rasa kena pursue soma tu sebab recognition from industry is important for us to develop professionally. Aku rasa company sendiri lagi susah nak nak recognise the professional capability compared to the industry...banyak politics. I never a believer of age represents experience...where most of the comapny uphold strongly. Kalau sesapa nak advise or counselling pasal carrier in Naval Architecture...aku berbesar hati untuk membantu.
Nanti aku sambung pasal tempat aku dah tengok kat Europe.