Snorkelling ngan Firoz....Firoz first glimpse of underwater world.
The happy faces going to Snorkelleing and turtle hatching center...
Pada tahun 1991, lagi banyak trip IU-HAC. IU-HAC went to Pulau Kapas, Tasik Chini, Gunung Nuang and another trip to Gunung Tahan (Tahan lagi.....). Trip to Gunung Tahan kali ni lebih mudah sebab soma yang pergi reti dengar nasihat. Trip to Pulau Kapas for the opening trip for the new comers to the Club (hilang le gambar dia...nanti aku upload kalau jumpa). Tasik Chini trip was just to explore the mysterious lake and the surrounding Asli community. Gunung Nuang trip was the orientation trip for the new comers - a tradition for IU-HAC. While the Gunung Tahan trip is for the seniors in the Club. I had the last Gunung Nuang Farewell Trip to close my chapter with IU-HAC while in Malaysia prior to my departure to States to further my study at University of Michigan.
Group photo sebelum naik Gunung Nuang.
Kat puncak Nuang kali kedua untuk aku.
Tasik Chini.....Orang kampung still cakap ada naga kat situ.
Tasik Chini...
Ni le muka2 yang berani nak naik Gunung Tahan....muka happy baru sampai. Balik soma muka macam nak pecah...masam sokmo.
At the top of Tahan with my best friends. One of my best friend, Norhisham (Choi), cannot make it due to family problem. He actually past away last year....Sedekahlah Al-fathihah for him
FArewell trip to Gunung Nuang with IU-HAC Committee and best friends. Photo with Almarhum Norhisham...
Nanti aku sambung lak cerita aku kat US....lagi menarik kut....Tapi gambar kat US banyak hilang. Ye la...dok sibuk merantau. Mana nak sangka gambar tu satu hari nanti berharga. Kalau nak ikutkan..Twin Tower World Center yang meletup tu pun aku pernah naik.