Personal Log Book

Monday, November 19, 2007

Akon Lyrics

I know these few months, I did not spend as much time as I supposed to....Work becoming busy with more responsibility. I should have expected this and we should be spending time together. For my love and sons.....pls bear with me to go through the times together....

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Dah lama aku tak menulis......kali ni aku sambung lak tahun 1991. Tapi sebelum tu cuba tgk gambar trip Ogos lepas ke Pulau Perhentian kali ketiga untuk aku dan Aina tapi pertama kali buat anak2 aku. Seronok giler....rasanya next visit would be 1 week with PADI license course kut...Han, Adi dan Yosh tak nak balik tu....

Snorkelling ngan Firoz....Firoz first glimpse of underwater world.

The happy faces going to Snorkelleing and turtle hatching center...

Pada tahun 1991, lagi banyak trip IU-HAC. IU-HAC went to Pulau Kapas, Tasik Chini, Gunung Nuang and another trip to Gunung Tahan (Tahan lagi.....). Trip to Gunung Tahan kali ni lebih mudah sebab soma yang pergi reti dengar nasihat. Trip to Pulau Kapas for the opening trip for the new comers to the Club (hilang le gambar dia...nanti aku upload kalau jumpa). Tasik Chini trip was just to explore the mysterious lake and the surrounding Asli community. Gunung Nuang trip was the orientation trip for the new comers - a tradition for IU-HAC. While the Gunung Tahan trip is for the seniors in the Club. I had the last Gunung Nuang Farewell Trip to close my chapter with IU-HAC while in Malaysia prior to my departure to States to further my study at University of Michigan.

Group photo sebelum naik Gunung Nuang.

Kat puncak Nuang kali kedua untuk aku.

Tasik Chini.....Orang kampung still cakap ada naga kat situ.

Tasik Chini...

Ni le muka2 yang berani nak naik Gunung Tahan....muka happy baru sampai. Balik soma muka macam nak pecah...masam sokmo.

At the top of Tahan with my best friends. One of my best friend, Norhisham (Choi), cannot make it due to family problem. He actually past away last year....Sedekahlah Al-fathihah for him

FArewell trip to Gunung Nuang with IU-HAC Committee and best friends. Photo with Almarhum Norhisham...

Nanti aku sambung lak cerita aku kat US....lagi menarik kut....Tapi gambar kat US banyak hilang. Ye la...dok sibuk merantau. Mana nak sangka gambar tu satu hari nanti berharga. Kalau nak ikutkan..Twin Tower World Center yang meletup tu pun aku pernah naik.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

In 1990, IU-HAC had about four trips - Gunung Nuang, Gunung Tahan, Merakit Sungai Pahang and Farewell Camping for Seniors at Lumut Perak. Now, let me show you the photos for the Merakit trip and the Farewell camping trip.
Ekspedisi Merakit Sungai Pahang ni adalah projek aku yang pertama lepas masuk IU-HAC. Kita merakit kat Sungai Pahang, drpd Kampung (lupa lak...) sampai ke Temerloh. Ade le dekat 4 hari 3 malam dok atas rakit.
Ni le gambar rakit kita orang....macam kapal bawak refugee Vietnam; Hai Hong.
Ni gambar group photo...dah sampai tapi some gelap sebab dok bawah matahari for 4 days.

Gambar bawah ni pulak masa farewell camping kat Lumut. It is a tradition for IU-HAC to organise a simple camping for Seniors yang pergi US. Kat Lumut, kita camping for a weekend. Tapi siap kita orang bole pi canoeing to Pangkor from Lumut. Masa tu ramai pancit...tapi kalau tak mengayuh...tak sampai Lumut ramai pengsan malam tu.
Ni gambar mamat + minah yang berani nak cross Selat Lumut to go to Pulau Pangkor.
The seniors that we bid farewell (yang lain busy....)

Ni gambar sebelum usual...ramai.

Nanti aku masukkan gambar trip in 1991. Lagi canggih beb....Gunung Tahan, Tasik Chini, Pulau Kapas, Farewell Nuang Trip. Banyak betul adventure aku...kat IU-HAC.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Izani dah bagi idea kat aku camne nak mengisi blog aku yang ketandusan idea....Kenangan masa lepas. Aku cari balik gambar lama...aku akan upload untuk tatapan kawan semua. Aku mulakan dengan experience aku kat PPP/ITM Shah Alam.

First trip aku lepas join IU-HAC in 1990 is Gunung Nuang. Gunung Nuang ni kira macam training camp for newcomers macam kitaorang. Dah kira macam IU-HAC boot camp lak dah.

Ni bergambar sebelum balik....malam tu kita orang ada sesi suaikenal...maklum le budak baru. Tu yang ada awek minat kat aku tu...Nasib baik jadi bini sekarang ni. Kalau tak puas aku nak explain...

Crossings the seven rivers on the way to Tahan.
Ni first trip aku ngan IU-HAC pi Gunung Tahan. Bagi aku this is the second trip. AKu jadi leader senior aku nak pi sana. Almaklum le...sebab junior yang jadi leader...ada senior yang besar kepala. Tapi pulang paku buah keras...tak lama barang kena tanam...tak sampai pun naik atas Tahan. Yang peliknya...semua awek IU-HAC yang ikut soma naik. Yang balak pulak yang kantoi....gaya aje kut.

Kita break makan lunch before Padang Camp.

Aku juga dikenali sebagai "HITLER" masa ni sebab push gila kat soma pompuan (all seniors by the way). Aku bole estimate berapa lama lagi nak sampai and aku amik kira safety of everybody especially hiking at night.

Kopek kentang atas gunung...kat Padang Camp.

Ni le dia muka2 yang sampai kat puncak Gunung Tahan. Zack tukang amik gambar...tak nampak. Soma pompuan sampai...lelaki ade yang kantoi.

Ni gambar sebelum balik.

Happy soma. At last soma thank me for pushing them to the limit. Otherwise, they will not be able reach the pinnacle of Peninsular Malaysia.

Ni baru 1990...Nanti aku sambung cerita aku buat kenangan dan tauladan....

Saturday, May 20, 2006

This week aku rasa paling best sebab aku pi tengok MI:III sorang2 on Monday lak tu. Puhh penuh action dan sensasi. Puas rasanya ......Aku pergi tgk cerita tu berdengkut-dengkut sebab last Sunday buku lali aku ter"sprained". Tapi tak punye pasal aku naik bas pi Gohyeon tengok wayang.
Last Saturday aku pergi tengok "NANTA" pulak kat Geoje Art Center, Jangseungpo. Memang best gila....terbahak2 aku tengok show tu. Sampai mengalir airmata la jugak. Anak beranak aku soma tergelak2. Aku pun tak sangka yang Firoz tu pun faham tengok show tu. "NANTA" is a non verbal show related to cooking. There are basically five members, 1 x restaurant owner, 1 x chief cook and 3 cooks. They have to prepare a list of menu requested by the restaurant owner in one hour. So...they cook, dance and play instrument using knives, bowl, pot and pans including brooms and dustbins. This is first time that I had seen a show really made sure full audience participation without any instruction. Anyway, please see the show if you have the time. Aku try jugak amik gambar...tapi kena marah in the middle of the show. Malam tu aku pi tengok Da Vinci Code pulak. Happy siut...
Kali ni aku nak upload gak gambar aku amik ngan family kat Okpo Victory Commemorative Park. Canggih jugak gambar kalau kena ngan background. To those yang tak pernah sampai walaupun dah dok Geoje Island 1 tahun...please spend some of your time to visit the place....Really cool place...
P/S: Aku dah tau macam mana nak guna manual....TUNGGU.....

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Kali ni aku nak cuba upload gambar yang aku amik guna kamera canggih sikit. Ni gambar budak baru belajar. So...kalau salah tolong tunjukkkan. Sebenarnya...kamera ni sepatutnya wife aku punye...tapi sebab dia selalu sibuk...aku amik alih. Hehehehe.

Aku sekarang baru belajar main shutter speed. Tak pandai lagi nak guna manual setting. Nanti kalau aku dah terror sikit aku upload gambar lagi baik...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Sorry le kalau aku sambung cerita blog aku ni lambat drpd selalu. Dah tiga bulan aku tak le...sibuk sangat. Mcam2 aku kena buat ...pasal kerja dan lain2 lagi. Aku pun tgh sibuk nak samsbung Master ngan UTM tapi tak dgr kabar pun drpd lecturer yang nak jadi Supervisor aku.

Baru aje habis delivery Seri Amanah on the 15 March 2006. Masuk ni.....dah dua bijik kapal LNG aku jaga drpd plate silap..... drpd kertas kosong sampai le Captain MISC amik bawak balik. Ni gambar x-budak boy masa naming on the 15 March 2006 and party kat atas kapal on the 16 March 2006.

Masuk ni...lagi ramai le kekawan yang aku kenal kat MISC. Capt. Mazly, C/E Faudzin, C/O Suhaidi, 2E Shahrul dan lain-lain. Kalau masa Seri Alam aku kenal geng kapal drpd Tenaga offspring macam Capt. Prathiban, C/E Kamarul dan Puteri offspring macam C/O Gerald and 2E Rozali, kali ni soma geng drpd Puteri Offspring except for the C/E. Aku rasa bangga sebab all these guys are capable to sail the oceans in the line of serving the nations aspirations to become a maritime nations. Lagi bangga bila aku tengok sendiri all of the crew on Seri Alam working with full dedication and professionalism during loading of LNG at Incheon Gas Terminal. Mana taknya.....Loading Master tu aku rasa dekat 50 tahun budak2 MISC average about early 30 plus brushing shoulders with the old timer with full confidence.
Kali ni punye naming ceremony tak le se"grand" Seri Alam. Lepak sikit. Sponsor, Dato' Kalsom, datang kejap aje...lepas naming...round kapal....lunch kat Hotel terus balik. Sempoi aje. Bos2 MISC pun tak lama pun dok kat Korea...maybe sebab kapal nombor 2 kut.
Nanti aku sambung lagi....Chow chin chow....